As cities halt construction and contractors and building project owners face contractual obligations, labor shortages and supply chain disruptions, the industry looks for solutions to sustain and grow amidst the crisis.
The unprecedented spread of COVID-19 has hit markets hard. An International Monetary Fund report predicts serious contract in global output this year. Different businesses like travel, hospitality and entertainment have been impacted differently by the pandemic.
While industries with minimal direct contact with customers such as construction and technology are experiencing a slower falloff in business activity, the rise in cases remains alarming. Here is a solution-based approach to the crisis.
Complete your construction project
on-time & within budget
Time and money are vital for any industry and construction is no exception. With the stringent lockdown and quarantines, construction firms struggle to finish the projects in stipulated time frames. Digital technology promises to be your savior in these times. Construction companies using BIM services get the advantage of coordinated BIM models which allows all project stakeholders to access and edit the BIM models in Revit® from any location and any system.
Hitech’s competency in BIM services enables it to provide accurate 3D, 4D and 5D BIM models to construction companies globally. In these difficult times too, our BIM engineers offer round the clock support to ensure that project deadlines and efficiencies are not compromised upon.
Worker Safety is key. The rising possibility of community transmission increases the need for construction workers to protect themselves using personal protective equipment (PPE), frequent hand washing, covering sneezes etc. Despite this, low worker turnout is an inescapable fallout of the outbreak. Companies that have adopted the outsourcing model find themselves better positioned to deal with the situation given the operational continuity they have got.
Hitech CADD Services’ robust business contingency plan helps to continually support companies across the globe in uncertain environments. With regular and clear communication, we instill confidence in our clients that our seamless operations will help them meet their commitment to customers.
If skilled workers become infected, acute labor shortages will arise. In an industry already plagued by skill shortages, emergence of the corona virus will impact ‘time for completion’ component in the contracts.
Contractors and owners should thoroughly review the contracts to understand what rights and duties exist for them in these changed circumstances. Lawyers suggest understanding if there is any special ‘force majeure’ provision in the contract that allows work to be terminated when such unpredictable circumstances arise.
Construction Dive estimates that 30% of building products are procured from China, making it the United States’ largest single supplier. With the close of production lines in China, supply chain disruptions would result in shortages leading to project delays for a few months.
Implementing an effective and robust supply chain system will control inventory and costs while meeting schedules. It will eliminate complex processes and streamline deliveries. Hitech’s highly integrated supply chain management solutions offer real time visibility to help take informed decisions on time, enhance efficiency and reduce out-of-stocks.
On a positive note, infrastructure and construction projects would play an important role in creating economic growth. The global construction industry could hold the baton with use of effective construction technologies to make the industry more cost and resource efficient. Resilient construction owners need to stay focused on the preconstruction stage of the projects during this tough phase of isolation. Focus on activities like project planning and engineering design that can easily continue without meeting in person.
3D BIM brings down hospital construction budget by 30%
Architectural, structural and MEP coordinated BIM models of a hospital building helped visualization at pre-construction stage, detect interdisciplinary clashes, assess risks and implement remedial measures.
The data-rich 3D BIM models saved the client 30 to 35% of total budget.
Read Case Study →Effective modern design software and remote collaboration tools keep the project lights on during emergencies. For example, Autodesk® has announced extended access program for their flagship collaboration products to help communities stay productive while working remotely.
Based on our competency and technology resources for BIM and CAD, Hitech is fully prepared to deliver seamless services to the construction sector in these challenging times. To keep projects moving rapidly and that too in a secured way, we have quickly adjusted to remote way of working. With stringent data security measures in place, we are confident to serve the needs of our customers with no disruption in services.
With over two decades of experience in working with the AEC industry, Hitech CADD Services is well positioned to help companies blunt the impact of COVID-19 and emerge stronger. With the right approach and tactical steps, we can together tide over this crisis.
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